Friday, January 11, 2008

Something Old & Something New

Gonna try something new tonight at Little Havana.

Its not actually that new, since I've it done it a couple of time at LH, say about 1/2 year ago(or is it longer? ).

Just adding a bit more sabor(since it is salsa anyway) and a few more moves to make it something 'NEW' .

Shall blog more about it after tonight's fix. Gotta run to gym now.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

A Shoeless(and FUN) Salsa Nite

The 1st post for 2008 & I believe this shall be a pretty good start for my favorite fix, that is Salsa:

In the rush of thing on a Friday morning, I ter-packed
my 2 years old latin shoes for my Salsa fix at LH.

Only realised about the wrong shoes
when I was on the way from gym to Little Havana.

I can't even stand properly with this old pair of shoes on, not to mention walking & dancing. Tried the first dance with them with a not-so disastrous result , but still felt like falling down whenever I did a turn

So, for the second & the rest of the dances(be it salsa or bachata) that night, I've decided to just salsa kaki ayam(not totally barefooted, but DEFINITELY shoeless) style.

Can't remember how many dances I had , but I realized I had more fun dancing(me can still do double spin leh ) on me bare feet than with my shoes on.

Could it be that I'm used to practicing in a shoeless manner at home ? Deep required here.

Well, definitely can't do this too often or else I might not get enough salsa fixes, due to some gentlemen just won't ask a barefooted salsera to dance.

Wonder if these gentlemen would reject a barefooted salsera's request for a dance if she(me lar) ask nicely ?

On a different & healthier note: Little Havana(upstairs) is smoke-free on all Salsa Nites starting from the (most)memorable Friday night of 04 Jan 2008.

**Smoke at your own risk - a pail of water shall be waiting for you.